From the end of 2022 into 2023, I completed a three-part technical writing program with the University of Richmond. Below are a sampling of projects I worked on to receive my Advanced Technical Writing Certification.

Technical Writing Work

Drops User Guide

Because I use the Drops app for my own Greek language practice, I was very familiar with it as a user. Being a user provides a great perspective for outlining and creating a user guide. Completely detailing the full user guide of the app was beyond the scope of the assignment for this class, so mine is a condensed, quick-start version that can be found here.

Ghost Garden Games Style Guide

As part of my program, I created a style guide for a local studio, Ghost Garden Games. I enjoyed utilizing the current style on their website as the foundation to create this guide for their use.

I created a recommendation report comparing Google Forms and Quizlet as online quiz options. I had utilized both of them in my most recent teaching years as a way to efficiently grade for both my in-person and virtual students, while providing them with a necessary multi-sensory approach. Because of my familiarity, I knew I could list the pros and cons of both quiz options to help readers make an informed decision between them.

Recommendation Report & Instruction Design for Online Quizzes

Next, I provided instruction design for quizzes in Google Forms. I have helped many colleagues learn key pieces of technology throughout the pandemic, and this is something I wish I had been able to design for them when we first began teaching virtually. The walkthrough is for a simple quiz design, but it could easily be expanded to provide more in-depth options.