Translator & Editor to S.K. Golden
I’ve had the honor of knowing S.K. Golden for the majority of my life, and I’ve enjoyed having behind-the-scenes peeks into the publishing world through her works. Getting drafts, providing feedback, and being part of the editing process has been a phenomenal experience.
I’m eagerly awaiting the release of The Socialite’s Guide to Death & Dating in October 2023. I provided S.K. with text line options, glosses, and translations of Doric. Growing up, I had no cultural keystone for Doric in media. Putting realistic Doric representation into the fiction world is an immeasurable delight.
While editing her newest book draft, S.K. convinced me to consider extending my editing services, as ‘my input is glorious,’ and I’ve thoroughly delighted in providing feedback on her works over the years.
If you have any interest in my editing services, please reach out on LinkedIn or my contact page.